Tag Archives: joe biden

Trump travels to DC to meet with congressional Republicans, speak with nation's top business executives

Former President Trump will travel to the nation’s capital on Thursday to take part in a series of meetings with Republicans from both the House and Senate, and attend an event with top business executives in America. The former president’s meetings with congressional Republicans will be “looking ahead at the policies that will save the nation,” a senior Trump campaign …

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How Hunter Biden's next trial could hurt Joe Biden's re-election chances

A Delaware jury just convicted Hunter Biden of three felonies: lying to a federally licensed firearms dealer, lying on a federal background check and possessing a firearm while “an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance.” Republicans will cheer the result for holding a Biden family member accountable, while Democrats will complain about selective prosecution brought under political …

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DHS chief Mayorkas questioned on reports of 'mass amnesty' for asylum seekers

FIRST ON FOX: Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is facing scrutiny over a report that hundreds of thousands of noncitizen asylum seekers had their cases closed without a ruling, ushering in a sort of “mass amnesty.” “The American people deserve transparency and accountability regarding the administration’s handling of immigration and border security. The current state of affairs at …

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Biden voters' more dismissive view of family shows accelerating 'erosion' by left, conservative group says

A new report finding President Biden’s supporters view marriage and family as less important to society than Trump supporters do signifies the left’s “erosion” of the family unit, an advocacy group argues. “The general trend was not surprising. But the degree of disparity between the two, I will admit, was surprising,” Timothy Head, Executive Director of conservative political advocacy group, …

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JESSE WATTERS: If Biden wins, the kingmakers will get to work

Fox News host Jesse Watters says the Democrats have “only two cards left to play” by this November on “Jesse Watters Primetime.” BIDEN REPORTEDLY BLAMES RE-ELECTION BID FOR HUNTER’S CONVICTION: ‘HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE PLEA DEAL’ JESSE WATTERS: Politics is like a game of cards. You don’t pick the cards. You play the hand you’re dealt. After using up …

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Biden ripped for gun control speech hours after Hunter's firearm conviction: 'We live in clown world'

The optics of President Biden’s speech on gun control just hours after his son’s firearm conviction was not lost on social media users Tuesday. Biden spoke in Washington D.C. before the Everytown for Gun Safety’s annual training conference where he touted his executive actions to curtail gun violence and reiterated his support for an assault weapons ban. Just hours earlier, …

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Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say

A fleet of Russian warships entered Cuban waters on Wednesday as they prepare to hold military drills in the Caribbean. The deployment is likely a warning to President Biden after he gave approval for Ukrainian forces to strike some targets within Russia using U.S. weaponry, according to Rebekah Koffler, strategic intelligence analyst and author of “Putin’s Playbook.” Russian President Vladimir …

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Texas family seeks justice after death of father in Syria’s notorious prison system: 'Tortured and murdered'

The family of American psychotherapist Majd Kamalmaz is pursuing a civil lawsuit against the Syrian government after U.S. officials presented them with classified information early last month saying they believe he died in Syria’s notorious prison system. The lawsuit will be filed in the coming weeks at the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. The Syrian government faces allegations of …

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Hunter Biden case: White House won't rule out president shortening son’s sentence after guilty verdict

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday refused to rule out President Biden commuting whatever sentence his son Hunter receives after he was found guilty Tuesday in a criminal trial focused on his purchase of a handgun in 2018. Jean-Pierre, responding to a reporter asking whether a commutation of Hunter’s sentence is “something that would be on the table,” …

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How Trump cracked the code to penetrate the blue wall

Forthelast three decades, I have been imploring Republican presidential candidatestotaketheir message directlytoAmerica’s inner cities.Directlytotheepicenters of “blueness.” As someone who grew up in abject poverty in some of those inner cities, I knew that most of those residents strongly believe intherule of law, are faith-based and do supportthepolice.But, forthelast number of decades,they have also felt disrespected and abandoned bytheGOP and Republican …

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