Tag Archives: opinion

Biden is losing Africa and here’s why that should scare us

Across the world, President Biden’s foreign policy has ceded ground to enemies of the U.S. Now, after decades of development work and hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to Africa, including saving countless lives through PEPFAR, the U.S. is rapidly losing the continent to warlords, Russian mercenaries and the Chinese Communist Party. In March, in a massive diplomatic failure, …

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You won’t believe who Gavin Newsom’s California is going after now…

Imagine wanting to crush independent contractors and small businesses so badly that you would go after your own supporters. In California, that scenario is becoming a reality as Gov. Gavin Newsom’s California Employment Development Department (EDD) is going after the state’s sacred cow – Hollywood! You may not be sympathetic to Californians or to Hollywood, but don’t let that take …

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Police can’t get tough on crime until we help them fix a crisis of their own

Editor’s note: This op-ed is adapted from an article that first appeared in City Journal. More than 40 years have passed since the publication of one of the most important public-policy essays ever written. Its title, “Broken Windows,” captured the essence of a simple but deeply insightful idea: public order matters. “[I]f a window in a building is broken and …

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Kamala, Dems talk about Trump 'weaponizing' DOJ. But guess who got there first?

Vice President Kamala Harris recently warned donors in San Diego that Donald Trump has “threatened to weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies” if elected. Does our clueless vice president not get that half the country believes the Biden-Harris White House has been doing exactly that for over three years? While Joe Biden prattles on about threats to …

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DEI and one of the biggest problems facing Black Americans

The recent race controversy at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine reminded me once again of one of the more devastating and pressing issues facing Black people: inferiority. What struck me the most about this controversy scandal was how the school was accused of sacrificing meritocracy at the altar of diversity to admit an unqualified Black prospect. UCLA has denied …

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'In the Shadows': Behind the high-stakes work to free Americans held captive abroad

Excerpted from “In the Shadows: True Stories of High-Stakes Negotiations to Free Americans Captured Abroad”by Mickey Bergman and Ellis Henican. Jon Finer looked surprised. “Vinnik?” he asked me. “Are you sure it’s Vinnik?” That clearly wasn’t the name the White House deputy national security adviser was hearing from the official channel at the State Department. “The Russians want to trade …

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50 reasons why $70 million plus in small donations poured in after Trump verdict

If you aren’t stunned by the $70 million+ in “small dollar” campaign contributions to the campaign of former President Donald Trump that were made in the first 72 hours after the verdicts in his Manhattan trial, then you don’t know much about politics, because nothing like this sort of fundraising weekend has ever happened before. Skeptical about the relative scale …

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America’s K-12 schools have been overwhelmed, abandoned in Biden’s out-of-control border crisis

On his first day in office, President Biden made it clear that he wanted amnesty for nearly 12 million undocumented migrants and that he would no longer pursue policies that prevented others from coming to America. It was a message heard around the world: under his administration, it was now OK to enter the United States illegally, ignore our laws, …

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35 years after China's Tiananmen Square massacre: Why we must never forget

The voices of the brave individuals who perished 35 years ago in the Tiananmen Square massacre continue to echo across our collective conscience. On that day, the People’s Liberation Army, acting on the orders of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) leadership, murdered and injured thousands of peaceful pro-democracy protesters calling for political reform and an end to corruption. The image …

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Biden uses billions of dollars of your money to buy himself votes

To bet on the upcoming presidential election, don’t just rely on polls. Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President Joe Biden is pouring into “community organizations” in “disadvantaged communities” to tip the election scales. The community organizer who became president, Barack Obama, was a master at machine politics, using federal tax dollars to turn community organizations–left-wing not-for-profits – into …

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