Tag Archives: brazil

Brazil's president withdraws ambassador to Israel, leaving diplomatic post vacant

Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva withdrew his ambassador to Israel on Wednesday after months of tensions between the two countries over the war in Gaza. The move was announced in Brazil’s official gazette. There was no immediate response from Israel. Lula has been a frequent critic of Israel’s offensive in Gaza, which he compared to the Holocaust earlier …

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Climate change threatens Brazil's beloved Spix's macaw from animated 'Rio' films

All Spix’s macaws are majestically blue in the blazing sun of Brazil’s Northeast, but each bird is distinct to Candice and Cromwell Purchase. As the parrots soar squawking past their home, the couple can readily identify bird No. 17 by its smooth feathers and can tell No. 16 from No. 22, which has two beads attached to its radio collar. …

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In Brazil, mangrove reforestation proves crucial in fight against climate risks

At the rear of Rio de Janeiro’s polluted Guanabara Bay, thousands of mangroves rise as tall as 13 feet from a previously deforested area. The 30,000 trees, planted by non-profit organization Instituto Mar Urbano over four years in the Guapimirim environmental protection area, stand as an example for cities seeking natural means to improve climate resilience. Such ecosystems are vital …

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Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul faces economic woes after floods, and an unclear path to rebuilding

Flooding in Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul state ravaged nearly everything needed for economic activity, from local shops to factories, farms and ranches. The environmental catastrophe — unprecedented in state history — upended transportation, including the airport in the capital Porto Alegre, which is expected to remain shuttered for months. Segments of major highways are closed due to landslides, washed-out …

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Brazil's flooded south sees first deaths from disease, as experts warn of coming surge in fatalities

The first two deaths from waterborne bacterial disease were reported in southern Brazil, where floodwaters were slowly receding, and health authorities warned additional fatalities were likely. Rio Grande do Sul state’s health secretariat confirmed the death of a 33-year-old man due to leptospirosis on Wednesday. On Monday, authorities registered that a 67-year-old man had died from the same infectious disease. …

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American couple stranded in Brazil facing 'bureaucratic nightmare' after newborn son arrives months early

A Minnesota couple in the midst of a “bureaucratic nightmare” amid a months-long stay in Brazil, where paperwork issues regarding their newborn son have prevented them from returning to the United States, is one step closer to being able to leave. Chris and Cheri Phillips, of Cambridge, located 50 miles north of Minneapolis, visited the South American nation in February …

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Refugees fleeing crisis in Haiti and Venezuela face new nightmare as floods ravage southern Brazil

Tens of thousands of Haitians and Venezuelans who fled hunger, violence and natural disasters to seek refuge in southern Brazil are once again struggling to rebuild their lives following severe flooding in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), around 46,000 refugees currently live in the state, including 29,000 Venezuelans …

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Brazilian dance craze created by Rio youths officially recognized as 'intangible cultural heritage'

It all started with nifty leg movements, strong steps backwards and forwards, paced to Brazilian funk music. Then it adopted moves from break dancing, samba, capoeira, frevo — whatever was around. The passinho, a dance style created in the 2000s by kids in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, was declared in March to be an “intangible cultural heritage” by legislators in …

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Thousands of Indigenous people gather in Brazil to protest Lula's land grant decisions

Thousands of Indigenous people began gathering in Brazil’s capital on Monday for what was expected to become a protest against President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s unfulfilled promises to create reserves and expel illegal miners and land-grabbers from their territories. Holding Lula’s government to account appeared to be the focus of this year’s 20th Free Land Camp, an annual weeklong …

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Brazil faces Indigenous resistance over plans to drill for oil in Amazon rainforest

State-run energy firm Petrobras has hit growing resistance from Indigenous groups and government agencies to its premier exploration project, which would open the most promising part of Brazil’s northern coast to oil drilling. Environmental agency Ibama denied Petrobras a license for exploratory drilling offshore in the Foz do Amazonas area last year, citing possible impacts on Indigenous groups and the …

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