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Joe Biden doesn't feel our pain, he mocks it. And you know what that means

Inflation and crime, more than any others, are the political issues that voters feel in their gut rather than consider in their mind. For President Joe Biden, this is a massive problem because not only are Americans deeply worried about both, they blame the sitting president. According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, 56% of Americans disapprove of …

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World leaders push Israel to avoid escalation following Iran attack

World leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, are pushing Israel on Monday to “avoid an escalation” against Iran in the Middle East following the Islamic Republic’s attack on the country over the weekend. Macron, speaking to French media BFMTV and RMC, said his country had carried out “interceptions” of some of the missiles Iran launched at Israel and that it …

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Exiled crown prince of Iran demands regime change after Israel attack: This isn't our war, 'it's Khamenei's'

The exiled crown prince of Iran accused the Biden administration Sunday of “appeasing” the Iranian supreme leader after Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel and urged global leaders to support the Iranian people, calling for an end to the Islamic Republic regime. “From Tehran to Tel Aviv, from Hamidan to Haifa,Iranians and Israelis know thatthis is not the Iranian people’swar, this …

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