
Russia, China, Iran and North Korea ratcheting up threats against US, what we need to know

During the next year and beyond, the United States will likely face a range of “most direct, serious threats,” according to the 2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). The report was released to the public, in an unclassified version, on March 11 and presented to senior congressional leaders in a series of classified briefings. When serving …

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D-Day 80th anniversary: The true legacy of Normandy

Eighty years ago, 73,000 courageous American soldiers stormed the shores of Normandy, charging forward through long odds and heavy fire to unshackle a continent from the grip of tyranny. In this singular moment, the United States demonstrated to allies and adversaries alike our willingness to lead the charge to defend democracy, a sacred commitment that our nation has embraced over …

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Hey Joe Biden, how many EV charging stations have you built? 3 lessons from this monumental screwup

The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the world used record amounts of fossil fuels. That would seem to be prima facie evidence that this “great transition” to renewable energy has so far been an expensive policy belly flop. The evidence is everywhere. Americans aren’t buying electric vehicles …

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D-Day at 80: One more mission to Normandy for the greatest generation

PROGRAMMING ALERT: Watch the Fox Nation series “The Final Journey of the Greatest Generation with Martha MacCallum.” As I write this, dozens of world leaders, including President Biden, Emmanuel Macron, King Charles III and the Prince of Wales, are all preparing to travel to a place that has deep meaning in our shared history. They will go back to the …

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Biden is losing Africa and here’s why that should scare us

Across the world, President Biden’s foreign policy has ceded ground to enemies of the U.S. Now, after decades of development work and hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to Africa, including saving countless lives through PEPFAR, the U.S. is rapidly losing the continent to warlords, Russian mercenaries and the Chinese Communist Party. In March, in a massive diplomatic failure, …

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Police can’t get tough on crime until we help them fix a crisis of their own

Editor’s note: This op-ed is adapted from an article that first appeared in City Journal. More than 40 years have passed since the publication of one of the most important public-policy essays ever written. Its title, “Broken Windows,” captured the essence of a simple but deeply insightful idea: public order matters. “[I]f a window in a building is broken and …

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You won’t believe who Gavin Newsom’s California is going after now…

Imagine wanting to crush independent contractors and small businesses so badly that you would go after your own supporters. In California, that scenario is becoming a reality as Gov. Gavin Newsom’s California Employment Development Department (EDD) is going after the state’s sacred cow – Hollywood! You may not be sympathetic to Californians or to Hollywood, but don’t let that take …

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DEI and one of the biggest problems facing Black Americans

The recent race controversy at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine reminded me once again of one of the more devastating and pressing issues facing Black people: inferiority. What struck me the most about this controversy scandal was how the school was accused of sacrificing meritocracy at the altar of diversity to admit an unqualified Black prospect. UCLA has denied …

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Donations after Trump verdict, clueless Kamala, and more from Fox News Opinion

HANNITY – Fox News host compares the gun trial against Hunter Biden versus the NY v. Trump case. Continue reading… HUGH HEWITT – 50 reasons why $70 million plus in small donations poured in after Trump verdict. Continue reading… CLUELESS KAMALA – Kamala, Dems talk about Trump ‘weaponizing’ DOJ. But guess who got there first? Continue reading… GUTFELD – Our …

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'In the Shadows': Behind the high-stakes work to free Americans held captive abroad

Excerpted from “In the Shadows: True Stories of High-Stakes Negotiations to Free Americans Captured Abroad”by Mickey Bergman and Ellis Henican. Jon Finer looked surprised. “Vinnik?” he asked me. “Are you sure it’s Vinnik?” That clearly wasn’t the name the White House deputy national security adviser was hearing from the official channel at the State Department. “The Russians want to trade …

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