
GREG GUTFELD: Dems hate Trump so much that they're willing to destroy the legal system

According to legal expert Jonathan Turley, Trump’s on trial for allegedly falsifying business records related to payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. Turley added that it’s a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations ran out. Somehow, none of that matters in New York City, where guys who randomly punch kids are given a pat on the back and a key …

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Israel’s near-perfect missile success had a special line of defense

Diplomacy and deterrence failed, but on Saturday night the U.S. military stepped in to help protect Israel against the unprecedented attack from Iran. Credit a near-perfect missile defense, beginning with U.S. planes and warships, for bringing down 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles. As Iran geared up, the Biden White House once again tried to stop military …

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Morning Glory: Biden's red line is erased

What happens if Israel does nothing after Iran’s fusillade on Saturday night? President Biden told Iran: “Don’t.” Iran did. Team Biden then quickly turned to “restraining” Israel from responding. “Take the win,” the president is reported to have counseled Prime Minister Netanyahu. It is a good thing that Israel —with the help of the U.S., the U.K., France, Jordan and …

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GREG GUTFELD: We've never seemed weaker, and the bad guys can see it

All right, to the news. Like I said, over the weekend, Iran launched an all-out attack on Israel, shooting as many as 300 drones and rockets at the Jewish state. And I don’t mean Florida. The result? One injury. One. By that metric, it was far more dangerous to be on the New York subway this weekend than strolling around …

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The left's homeless plans wrecked our cities. Now help may come from an unexpected source

The once-idyllic streets of our nation’s most beautiful cities have been transformed into scenes straight out of a dystopian novel, where tents crowd sidewalks and the stench of decay (and human waste) hangs thick in the air. You can blame this grim reality on radical left politicians and activists, who seized the chaos and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic to …

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It’s time to flip the script on student loan bailouts. Here’s how to make schools pay up

After his first attempt at large-scale student loan forgiveness produced a last-minute surge of young voters to the polls in the 2022 midterms before it was struck down by the Supreme Court, President Joe Biden is trying the same trick again in 2024. In swing state Michigan on April 8, the president unveiled another plan to unilaterally reduce or eliminate …

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NPR CEO slams editor who exposed bias. Looks like truth is 'profoundly disrespectful'

Editor’s note: This essay was first published on the author’s blog Res ipsa loquitur. This weekend, Iwrote a columnon the continuing controversy at NPR and the bias detailed in arecent bombshell essay by respected editor Uri Berliner. The company has long been criticized for its partisan coverage, including running debunked stories. Now NPR CEO Katherine Maher has responded and appeared …

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Israel, Iran and the dangerous fecklessness of an American Model UN national security team

“I don’t like you because you’re gonna get me killed.”Zeus’ (Samuel Jackson) summation to John McClane (Bruce Willis) in 1995’s “Die Hard With A Vengeance” is the essence of the “Trump Doctrine” critique of the “Biden Doctrine.”The former holds “Strike atAmerica and America will hit you twice as hard; strike at our allies and we will support them in as …

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Joe Biden doesn't feel our pain, he mocks it. And you know what that means

Inflation and crime, more than any others, are the political issues that voters feel in their gut rather than consider in their mind. For President Joe Biden, this is a massive problem because not only are Americans deeply worried about both, they blame the sitting president. According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, 56% of Americans disapprove of …

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Here are the massive tax increases coming your way in a second Biden term

Donald Trump has outlined his plans for federal taxation should he be elected. “I will make the Trump tax cuts permanent. You know they expire in a year. And we will cut your taxes even more than that,” hesaidin a speech in North Charleston, South Carolina,on Feb. 14, 2024. Trump made the direction clear. Lower. Biden’s plan calls for a …

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