
Biden’s mental decline jeopardizes national security. Democrats have one card left to play

President Joe Biden is in serious mental decline, from the “perpetual state of confusion” displayed on his trip to France, to Washington insiders reporting that the president has performed poorly in meetings, the president’s cognitive impairment raises serious concerns for U.S. national security with a heightened potential for global conflict. The mental acuity of a nation’s leader plays a critical …

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Morning Glory: Blue America v. Red America

The United States today, effectively and enduringly, is not one but three nations. There is a “Red America” a “Blue America,” and an “I don’t care” America. Rarely do those in Blue or Red America agree on matters political, or reconcile with friends and family estranged because of politics, and increasingly they do not congregate together.What used to be differences …

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Hunter Biden guilty on all counts. What we just learned about smoke, mirrors and privilege

The facts were simple, the law was clear, and the evidence of guilt can only be described as overwhelming. The only surprise is that it took jurors more than five minutes to convict Hunter Biden on all three gun charges that he faced in a federal courtroom in Wilmington, Delaware.In sports vernacular, the case was a slam dunk. It did …

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GREG GUTFELD: Hunter Biden conviction gives Trump a 'golden opportunity' to condemn it

So prior to a jury finding Hunter Biden guilty in his gun trial, his defense found an unlikely ally, the Second Amendment. You know, the thing that Democrats hate more than they hate soap. Last week, in a last ditch effort, Hunter asked the charges be dropped because the questionnaire he filled out violated his Second Amendment rights. Hunter’s legal …

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Biden administration pushes ‘broken’ carbon offset system

This is the age of climate consciousness, with every corporation flaunting its eco-friendly endeavors like badges of honor. But therecent unveilingof guidelines by theBidenadministrationto bolster the credibility of the voluntarycarbonmarket unveils a troubling reality:carbonoffsets, the purported saviors of our planet, are not the panacea they claim to be.At first glance, the concept seems noble. Companies purchasecarboncredits, each allegedly representing the …

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The strange thing Donald Trump and Jussie Smollett have in common

Finding a crime to charge an individual is a form of political persecution and it deeply troubles me to witness this politicization of our criminal justice system at a time when crime is exploding in cities all over America, including the South Side of Chicago where I pastor. If this sounds backward to you, it is. Along with most of …

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Biden bets on celebrities, Hunter's life of crime, and more from Fox News Opinion

HANNITY – Fox News host says Hunter Biden engaged in a life of crime for many years. Continue reading… HUGH HEWITT – Blue America versus Red America. Continue reading… ROOFTOP REVELATIONS – The strange thing Donald Trump and Jussie Smollett have in common. Continue reading… GUTFELD – Trump’s loudest critics are successful people who sense their own insignificance. Continue reading… …

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Cuomo finally forced to tell whole truth about COVID-19 decisions that cost thousands of lives

“For the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone would take a COVID positive patient and put them in a nursing home where, you know, that’s medical malpractice in my mind, and that is a decision I can’t understand…I’m not a lawyer. It’s not necessarily about criminal liability, etc., but if we don’t actually know the truth, we can’t …

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Biden’s crusade against US energy harms America and our allies

The Biden administration’s energy policies are negatively impacting American energy independence and the energy security of our allies – especially those in Europe who, given a choice, would choose America but instead are being pushed into a Russian bearhug. The reason? President Joe Biden’s politicization of energy policy and putting an indefinite pause on future liquefied natural gas (LNG) export …

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GREG GUTFELD: Trump's loudest critics are successful people who sense their own insignificance

So, in Vegas over the weekend, Trump slammed electric mandates for boats after telling the crowd about a chat he had with a boat maker. I wonder, did he ask what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you’re in that boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery. DONALD TRUMP: What would happen if the boat …

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