This song is our story

Why we can’t be silent about grace

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.” — John Newton, “Amazing Grace” (1779)

“I’m so thankful you sat next to me today.”

Her name was Delores*, and we met on a flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta. What started with small talk moved into a masterclass in the grace of God from my new 86-year-old friend.

With laughter and tears, Delores moved my heart simply by telling me her story — the story of God changing her life.

The book of Revelation speaks to the significance of our personal stories, “and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony” (12:11).

Growing up in rural Iowa, Delores’ dreams were put on hold when she fell in love with a young minister. Despite her family’s hesitation, they married quickly and moved across the country.

Three kids later, everything was fine…until it wasn’t. Emotional abuse and multiple affairs left her a divorced, single mom.

“The church took his side and I was cast out. But God never let go of me.”

Delores moved back in with her parents at forty years old.

“My dad would go on walks with me every day and just listen. He would say, ‘let the past be the past. I love you.’”

Delores experienced what we all need: saving grace in Jesus. Because that kind of grace changes everything.

Delores would start again, finishing a nursing degree to help others, raise three strong kids, and eventually marry the love of her life.

Tears rolled down her face as Delores shared her story and we prayed together.

As we left the plane, she gave me a hug, and told me that letting me in on her journey had given her a renewed sense of hope.

We never graduate from our need for God’s grace.

All around the world are people who are hurting and alone, just like Delores once was. I believe we are in a famine of people being seen and heard.

Revival of Amazing Grace

We need a revival of grace.

John Newton, a former slave ship captain, penned “Amazing Grace” after seeing his own need for grace. His story echoes ours: “wretches saved by grace.” Like him, we were lost but found, blind but given sight.

Recently, I have realized that I cannot sing the song “Amazing Grace” if I have not dealt with my own anger and judgment toward others.

The song powerfully reminds us of the Apostle Paul’s charge, “It is by grace you have been saved, not works, so no one can boast.” I need grace just as badly as the next person.

Grace is more than a gift; it’s a person. His name is Jesus. While we deserved condemnation for our shortcomings, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” (John 3:16).

Jesus is God’s answer to sin, shame, guilt, and pain.

Jesus lived the life I couldn’t and died the death I deserved.

My Need for Grace

As I’ve aged, my need for grace hasn’t diminished, it’s grown.

I cannot live in this amazing grace and not extend it to others. The world desperately needs God’s grace, and the church must be its voice. Silence is not an option.

Billions around the world have never been invited into this anthem of grace.

A Global Call

Good Friday, the darkest day in history, can only be called “good” because it brought the message of salvation. As Jesus hung on the cross, an anthem of grace erupted, a song that continues to resonate today.

But do people hear it? Do they know about the saving grace that can meet their deepest need?

This Good Friday, Pulse Evangelism is launching a global campaign called Anthem of Grace. This broadcast will be shown in over 100 countries and over 60 languages, featuring award-winning Christian artists, Steven Curtis Chapman and Miel San Marcos. We will be worshiping and sharing a Gospel message of hope ahead of Easter Sunday.

Here is our invitation to you:

Gather: On March 29, join us—your church, family, friends, and anyone seeking hope —for this Good Friday broadcast.Share: How has God’s amazing grace transformed your life? Share your story with us!

Let’s create a global chorus, singing the praises of grace that saves, sustains, and guides us home. Learn more about this amazing grace in our program and find the broadcast in your language.

*The name ‘Delores’ is a pseudonym used to protect the individual’s identity.

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