JESSE WATTERS: NY criminal trial has turned Trump campaign into a movement

Fox News host Jesse Watters said the left is “stunned” by the Republican support rallying behind former President Trump during the NY v. Trump trial. He said Tuesday, that on Day 17 of the trial, Democrats still haven’t shown evidence of a crime in the case.


JESSE WATTERS: Now that Trump’s posse came to town and circle the wagons, the media realizes they’re facing a united Republican Party. Republicans running towards battle. We haven’t seen that in a while and the posse should be growing. We should have had the entire House and Senate Republican caucus outside that courthouse, speaking on behalf of a president who’s unfairly gagged by a judge who donates to Biden. These 34 charges turned the Trump campaign into a movement that’s stunned the left, leaving them no choice but to mock it.

Trump: NY prosecutors should focus on actual crimes Video

The media is disparaging duly-elected Republicans and worshiping every single word uttered by a porn star-ghostbuster and a convicted felon. Stormy Daniels gets paid to have sex with men on camera and says she can talk to dead people. But the media thinks a senator defending a president’s honor’s the joke? In the media’s world, the disbarred lawyer who wears Superman t-shirts, cowboy hats, and Roman war helmets is the one we have to take seriously. Fighting for due process rights, ah that’s just pathetic. Why is the star witness in the so-called trial of the century wearing costumes like a theater kid anyway? The entire trial’s political theater. They made up a crime, and now the media’s reenacting it.

This article was written by Fox News staff.

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