Tag Archives: democratic party

Experts dismiss undercover Alito, Roberts recordings as 'pretty unexceptional'

Legal experts are weighing in on recently released undercover audio recordings of two Supreme Court justices, calling the recordings not “much of anything.” Liberal filmmaker Lauren Windsor recorded Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito and his wife Martha-Ann Alito without their knowledge at a dinner event on June 3. The audio files were later published by Rolling Stone. …

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California group secures signatures to land Prop 47 reform penalizing criminals on November ballot

California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. notified county election officials on Tuesday that petitioners had garnered more than enough signatures to place a measure to reform Proposition 47 on the November ballot. Prop 47, a voter-approved initiative passed in 2014, loosened the penalties for drug and theft crimes in California and has been blamed for California’s rampant theft …

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Democrats' new boogeyman is a different kind of Donald Trump

Democrats have nothing to run on. Their solution? Scare voters by claiming that Donald Trump is a “threat to our democracy,” and, if elected, will be hell-bent on seeking retribution against his political enemies. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes told Kara Swisher in a recent podcast interview that she”wouldn’t be surprised if this guy [Trump] threw me in jail,”though she neglected to say …

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Biden’s mental decline jeopardizes national security. Democrats have one card left to play

President Joe Biden is in serious mental decline, from the “perpetual state of confusion” displayed on his trip to France, to Washington insiders reporting that the president has performed poorly in meetings, the president’s cognitive impairment raises serious concerns for U.S. national security with a heightened potential for global conflict. The mental acuity of a nation’s leader plays a critical …

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Susie Lee hangs onto Dem nod in Nevada despite challenge from transgender opponent

Rep. Susie Lee, D-Nev., defeated her primary opponent in Nevada’s Tuesday election. Lee easily fended off a challenge from RockAthena Brittain, a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman. Her opponent did not receive any kind of backing or financial support from the Democratic Party, according to the Nevada Current. “I couldn’t even get the Human Rights Campaign to …

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Rhode Island calamari chef from viral 2020 DNC appearance backs Trump: 'We need a businessman'

A Rhode Island calamari chef behind a viral 2020 Democratic National Convention (DNC) appearance says America needs a businessman in charge – so he’s backing former President Trump. “[We need someone to run] the United States like a business and to help the people who live here – creating jobs, keeping lower prices, and seeing the whole bottom line work …

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Democrats want to drive California into the ground, and drive our cars for us too

Imagine driving down a secluded two-lane highway one evening – there are plenty here in California and across the country – and you need to speed up to pass another vehicle. You accelerate and move in to the oncoming lane. The posted speed limit is 55 mph, but you have to hit 65 to avoid oncoming traffic. You hit the …

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California exodus continues as conservative states attract blue-state residents: Report

Californians fleeing the blue state over its high cost of living are showing no signs of slowing down, according to the latest report by a major moving and storage company. “The Golden State has a reputation for imposing high sales, income, and property taxes. The cost of living is approximately 50 percent higher in California than the national average, and …

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Democratic attorney warns party could be in 'real trouble' in November: Far-left has 'hijacked the party'

Former House Judiciary Chief Counsel Julian Epstein told “The Brian Kilmeade Show” Thursday that Black, Hispanic and Asian voters “may go vote for Trump” because far-left Democrats have “hijacked” the party. He said President Biden is “underwater” on many key issues because the progressive left has “commandeered policy-making,” turning off moderate voters. LISTEN TO ‘THE BRIAN KILMEADE SHOW’ JULIAN EPSTEIN: …

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Trump, Biden supporters sharply divided over 'culture war' and 'woke' issues: Here's where they stand

APew Research Center survey reveals that supporters of President Biden and former President Trump are sharply divided over topics described as “culture war” or “woke” issues, including gender identity, the toughness of the American criminal justice system and illegal immigration. The polling, which was conducted between April 8-14 and involved 8,709 U.S. adults, comes as both candidates are gearing up …

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